Your business, Supercharged

I empower entrepreneurs and small business with the tools and solutions they need.
Subscribe my newsletter and get new tutorials, tools and interviews that help your business grow


Tools, mostly AI. No jargon, just full description, price and use for cases for your business
See the Tools


Step by step guides to use a tool tailored for your solution.
See The Tutorials


Entrepreneurs, AI experts, and creators. They give their best insights and expertise
See the Interviews

Case Studies

Examples of business that are using AI in their favor. Marketing, Finance and other subjects
See the Case Studies

The What, the Why and the How

The What

A practical guide to navigate your business into the AI and tech universe. Monthly new free resources to your companies success
Also I create digital products focus on your business, and offer expert consultation to let your business achieve more

The Why

As a entrepreneur myself, I know the struggle to find the right tools and resources that can help my business.
Also it takes time and time is money. Let's save both!

The How

I curate the tols that are effective and not because they are popular. The tutorials are focused on your problems, giving you solutions.
All is tought to help you focus in what you do better, take your business forward